Friday, January 3, 2014

Hail And Farewell

I wrote my first blog entry on June 1, 2007 and began it by announcing that I had no idea what I was doing.

Six and a half years have passed and I still have no idea.

I woke up the other day in a semi-first-thing-in-the-morning-panic and said, I have no idea what's going to happen.

But then I realized what you already know. No one has any idea what's going to happen. Life can't be predicted. At best you have a sense of the rhythm, but even that can be disrupted by snowstorms and asteroids and phone calls.

Fortunately for all humanity, not all disruptions are bad. My life had fallen into its own specific rhythm nine years ago, when I wrote Life As We Knew It. A little less than two years later, there it was.

Not unexpectedly, there were additions.

But then the additions kept on happening.

Naturally, that inspired me to keep writing.

And now, here's what that one book has led to.

Along with the books, I've written this blog. I decided fairly early on that the blog would be about process. While I've always been happy to announce the good things (and there's been a lot of that), I also wrote about the failures and dead ends and general aggravation that's been an integral part of my career.

I've never been big on suffering alone.

But now my process involves retirement. I haven't written a book since completing The Shade Of The Moon a year and a half ago. That's the longest stretch for me since I began Just Morgan, well over 40 years ago. Shade is my 78th book to be published, and there's no round number I'm aiming for. 78 seems like as good a number to stop on as 80 or 90 or 100.

So just as I've retired from writing books, I'm retiring from writing this blog. 726 posts seems like as good a number to stop on as 800 or 900 or 1000.

I don't seem to be missing writing books. I don't know how I'll feel not writing this blog. As long as Blogspot allows me to stay here rent free, the blog itself will linger (and I'll try to remember to put updates over on the right side). Should something truly wonderful happen (which I don't anticipate), I'll post on Twitter that there's a new blog entry.

I've never been big on celebrating alone.

I wish I could explain how much you have meant to me. Over the course of these six and a half years, I've met maybe a dozen of you in person, and each time it's been a thrill for me. I am so grateful to you, those who have left comments, those who have emailed, those who I've never heard from but I sense your presence anyway. You've been a significant part of my life, and I appreciate you more than you can possibly know.

Always have hope.

Never lose faith.

Trust in tomorrow.

Accept the impossible.

And thank you so much.


Marci said...

You labored long and well on this. But you are still stuck with me!

Carolyn Watson-Dubisch said...

I found your blog after reading your books. I've really enjoyed hearing all your updates. You'll be missed.

Keri said...

We'll miss you! And thanks for all the wonderful books :)

Sarah said...

I will definitely miss seeing you blog but I wish you and Scooter all the best! Thank you for writing. <3

Gia Vogel said...

I'll really miss you and your blog!
Thank you so much for your wunderful books. They belong to the best I've ever read! :)
I wish you all the best and give Scooter a hug from me. He's so cute! ;)

Greetings from Germany! :)

Jen Robinson said...

I'll miss your posts! Wishing you and Scooter all the best in retirement!

Bonnie Jacobs said...

Thank you for the books you've written. Thank you for the blog posts and photos of Scooter. Thanks for it all. I'll miss reading your blog, but I'll leave the link on my sidebar so I'll know if you ever come back to post "just one more thing." That way, it feels like you aren't really gone fomr the blogosphere. Have a great retirement. I highly recommend it to everyone.

Ruit Farm North said...

We will surely miss you, in books and in the blog. But I know what you mean about retirement. I am hoping to do the same in a few years.

My middle and high school students look at me like I have three heads when I mention that you may not be writing any more books. Leaving something you do so well does not compute for them!

All the best from Midcoast Maine!

Fear Death By Water said...

That'll make your last book all the more bitter sweet. not only the last Moon Book but the last book you'll write.

Enjoy your retirement, and keep us fans posted every now and then about what you're doing. I know it'll be great.

Emily said...

I have truly enjoyed your books and posts. I loved hearing the successes, disappointments, and adventures! Thanks for sharing it all with your fans! I'll miss the updates but wish you well in retirement!

Anonymous said...

Thank you and best wishes.

Ms. Brenda said...

Wishing you a very happy retirement! I read and re-read Just Morgan as a teenager, and was thrilled when Life As You Knew It turned up on school reading lists. Wishing you all the best from one of your many librarian fans.

Barker and Jones Staff said...

We'll miss you, but if anyone's earned it, you have. Enjoy retirement, and let us know if anything important happens.

fnirt said...

Thank you so much for the books and the fascinating perspective of your blog. Enjoy your retirement. If you find yourself needing to write, please do. Even if it is only for yourself.

Mr. Cavin said...

Thank you so much for this blog, it's been entertaining from tip to tail and I've really enjoyed interacting with it. I've also enjoyed the books I've been introduced to here. You are a pretty cool earthling, Susan Beth Pfeffer. Have a great retirement!

Crystal M Billings said...

Enjoy retirement. I will miss your blog.

Crystal M Billings said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Is there every going to be a 5 book in the moon series? I finished book 4 about an hour ago and went hunting to see any thing about a 5 book and then I found this all I want to know is if there is ever going to be a 5th book becusebi felt like the 4th was unfinished I wanted yo know what was going to happen to Miranda Jon matt and the rest if them now that they don't have their mom to keep fighting and disagreements from happening plus I want to now what this new town is like ! I know hundreds of people have probably made this plea but I just wanted to know how everything goes how does opal end up since she isn't going to be with Jon and how does sarahs dad end up? All these questions are running through my head and I could probably use my imagination to create what happens but its yo:ur characters your "babies" in a sense so its your ideas that interest me the most. I guess I just LOVE your writing so much I don't want to let go but I hope that you do write a 5th book before you say good bye to the Evans because leaving the fans to hope there ok in this new town where there taking a chance at their new lives feels kinda blank sorry if I seem rude I just want to know what happens to the characters to Alex and Miranda's baby to little Gabe to Jon and Sarah to matt and Sly. And how did Matt react to his mothers loss....I know these are questions you probably werebt going to answer but I just wanted to say I hope you write another book to tie up all the loose ends all the questions that can only be answered by you the author. Once again I'm sorry if I sounded rude at all I just LOVE this series its amazing and these charecters have been through so much and I wanted one more book to answer all my questions, thank you for writing these amazing stories that consumed my mind every single minute I read and that kept me up throughout the night saying "just one more chapter then I'll sleep" :) thanks for bring such an amazing author and I hope you do heavily consider writing another book in the moonseries but if you don't that's alright :) and once again I LOVE these book they are amazing!!!! Okay I an going to stop waisting your time I just wanted to let you know that there are still many people who love your books :)

Nora Durbin said...

I've loved reading your blog for years now and it was so great to meet you in person. I totally understand that you need to do what you need to do with the blog and your career. As a librarian, I'll keep on introducing new readers to Miranda and the others. And I'll check back here now and then for a Scooter update. All the best to you!

Linda Jacobs said...

Some books we read and forget; others stay with us forever. That's how your moon books affected me. Every time I go to a grocery store, I think of Crazy Shopping Day! Thank you and enjoy your retirement! :-)

Esther Pfeffer said...

I'll really miss you blog. Perhaps once you settle into your retired ways you'll take up a new activity. You could then reactivate this blog as being about whatever you'll be doing.

Your style of writing is so pleasant that I would gladly read about anything you take up now.

Anonymous said...

My daughter brought home your "Moon Series" and I am really hoping there will be a 5th book...totally addicted and I finished the 4 books in 4 nights. I can't wait to read your other books!!!!

Paige Y. said...


About once a week, I hop over here to see if you've decided to add a comment about how retirement is going. I have missed reading about you and Scooter and hope he's doing well. I know you'll enjoy the ice skating at the Winter Olympics.

Take care,
Paige Y.

binabug said...

I hated some characters. I loved the first book. I got sucked in, wanted/needed to know what happened after I read the last word. Bought book two and realized now I was being introduced to new characters (and found that was ok once I knew that book three brought them together) So now here I am, waiting for my amazon order to arrive for book three, ready to hate/love the characters all over again!!!
I think that if you can write so that we cry, laugh or even hate a character, then you have done a good job!!

Anonymous said...

Please make another book of the "Life as we knew it" series!!! I love when it was being told from Miranda's point of the story. Can we please go back to that??

Anonymous said...

You can't leave me hanging like this! I'm 12 years old today and I'm writing you a letter in school and it's going to say the exact same thing: WRITE ANOTHER BOOK PLEASE! I'm begging you!

Anonymous said...

WRITE A FIFTH BOOK FOR THE LIFE AS WE KNEW IT SERIES! I'm writing a letter to you in school and it will say the exact same thing!

Anonymous said...

Just finished the shade of the moon and I died a bit inside. I felt that what has happened to Jon, shouldn't have to happen to anyone. Im sad to know that there won't be a book 5 to the series and it is by far my favorite series I have ever written. I convinced my classmates and 4 of my college professors to read this series and they all fell in love with it. Even if you don't write a finale to the book, it satisfied me. To know that there is always hope as long as you never stop believing. Im so happy that you wrote the survivor series. It gave me the motivation to start reading again and because of you Im writing my own novel! Thank you Susan Beth Pfeffer, you really changed my life for the better.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for all your wonderful books~ I'll definitely miss your posts and you and Scooter~

Love from Taiwan,

RonieSue Ullrich said...

Hello Ms. Pfeffer, I just found your blog-YAY! Only to read you've retired-BOO!

At any rate, I am thrilled to be writing you for a second time. My first time writing you involed notebook paper and my poor handwriting. My fifth grade teacher, Ms. Ovella McKinney, from J. O Schultz Elem. in Ivring, TX., was such an encourager to me as I crafted my letter to you. I had just completed Kid Power and was so excited to write you. The book encouraged me to sell Holiday cards...I only wish neighbors would have purchased just one. I did sell lemonade that Spring :) So, all that to say, I enjoy using Kid Power with my students in reading groups. They are thrilled when I relate my story.

Happy have worked hard. Enjoy redirection.

RonieSue Meador

Anonymous said...

Its been almost a year and I still check this place. Thanks for all the nights I spent alone in my bedroom terrified for a moon-asteroid global disaster.
With love - Jill

The Fast Fingers said...

You may have a good reason to retire. I looked at the books you published and they're really good books. A writer will always be a writer. Still hoping that you'll write another book. :-)

Unknown said...

I'm a teacher at a high school on the Outer Banks of NC. Our English department is doing a "Book Whisperers" program this year with all of the freshman English classes in which they must read 20 books, all of their own choosing. On Monday of this week, I told my three freshman classes about "Life As We Knew It" and mentioned that the part that's always stuck in my mind is when Miranda and her family are watching the first news reports and hear that New York City is submerged and that the barrier islands off the coast of NC - our home - have been washed away. My classes got into actual arguments over who could check the book out first. A teacher in another department said that two different kids told her about the book this week, and I've got a dozen or more kids who keep asking, "How soon do you think the media center's copy will be checked back in?" I'm holding a couple of kids over with the second two books in the series (I'm THRILLED that there's a fourth now!) and I'm on my way from your blog to Amazon to order more copies. It's the most sought-after book in our school right now! I hope you still read your blog comments despite retiring - authors don't hear often enough how much their books continue to touch generations of people!

Anonymous said...

This will make a great movie!

Tyler Benak said...

Wow, your final post is very profound. You are a truly inspiring author. I have emailed you a couple times, but I feel I need to say it in a post as well. You do so well in giving such a memorable ending :)

Nora Durbin said...

Happy New Year! Hope you have a great 2015!

Unknown said...

Thank you, thank you, for your dedication to telling and sharing stories.

Kascy DuBoise said...

I bought Life as we know it for my daughter originally but I've always read what my kids read before i let them read it. Honestly my daughter wasn't real interested in the book but i loved it and couldn't wait to read more. I love a good story line. I have read and reread these 4 books more than any book on my shelves, and i have a lot of books. My kids look at me when i have this book in my hand and i usually hear "jeez mom, your reading that AGAIN?". As bummed as i am that there wont be more books to this series, i wanted to say thank you for allowing us on your journey. Fairwell!

Jesus said...

It is a great voice over.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan, I am a 12 year old writer how loved your books I was inspired by you to write my own book called fight or fie(still working on the name) and I want you to know that I will be using dates,not a diary like marandia but like September 12 stuff like that so if you ever see my book, happen to open it and find out I used date I don't want you to be mad if you would not like me to do so please tell me and I could figure out another way, it was you who inspratin me and even know I bet you won't read this I jut want you to know

Unknown said...

I read all your books in this series and i would love to read more. I got addicted. These books made me love reading. I obsessed over reading your series like a drug. To this day, I still reread them. Sadly, I have not fallen into that deep love for a book after you stopped writing new books for the series. Thank you for your perfect books.

Anonymous said...

I really Love your books, keep writing them.

Robin and Jennifer said...

My kids and I are hoping that somewhere in your mind there is another story percolating! There were so many interesting philosophical questions raised in this series and we had some great discussions at the dinner table.

Chicas said...

I don't know but there is something about these books, as Kascy DuBoise said, I can't stop re reading the series, this is my 5th time reading, and because I have to commute for work I even check the audio books out from the library and I listen in my car. I hope Susan is willing to write about what happen after the Shade of the moon, and also in between, what happen to Mirandas's dad, what happen in those years before they got to the safe town. I check out the first book because was a suggestion from the library for my sixth grade son, but he was scared but I got into it, and it happen almost 3 years ago and I keep reading an listening the books. I will love to read the 3.5 book and the 5 book. Please Susan and thank you for your books.

Kascy DuBoise said...

It has been 2 years since I left you a message on this blog. Its been 2 more years of picking up your books and re-reading them (although i could probably write them down word for word by now). I often check the internet to see if you have surprised us all by writing a fifth book, never to find one of course. But never do I stop to think of you, if your are doing well and enjoying your well deserved retirement. In any event I hope this finds you in good health. Have a beautiful day!

Anonymous said...

Miss you

Anonymous said...

Sad you wrote so many books that inspired me but no one know what you are you will be missed

Anonymous said...

Bye! I will miss you so much! you were an amazing writer. Hopefully you will countinue the series because I have some questions.

Niskie ceny said...

Nice entry and very nice blog :)

gianna said...

i really wish i could read another book about Miranda and Alex. my least favorite was shade of the moon and my favorite was the world we live in. i would love for someone someday to continue Alex and Miranda and with their daughter Liana. i have grown very connected to the book and characters. i love the books and the characters so much. i cried when reading and i smiled when reading. but i hope someday someone will come and say... Miranda should start writing in a new diary. when i found out miranda and alex were going to get together i got so happy. i will keep these books forever and hold them close to my heart. i just wanted to come here and thank you for writing these books. i don't think... no i've never grown so close to the characters from a book and feel so connected to them. so i just wanted to thank you for writing these b0ooks that brought me so close to these characters i will never forget. i will keep rereading these books. THANK YOU SO MUCH. i really hope you will see this -Gianna

Vendoria said...

Very nice blog. :)

InfoPolsha said...

Very nice and useful post. Thank you very much. :)

Zakupy-Internetowe said...

It's very nice and useful blog. :)

Clipping Path Service said...

Absolutely fantastic job you have done here.This is so nice.Thanks for sharing.

Mariana said...

I just finished reading The Shade of the Moon last night. I posted about it on Twitter, but I don't think you translated what I wrote hahaha

I just wanna say how much I love the story

Life as We Knew It is my favorite and will always have a special place in my heart

Libby King said...

I just finished rereading the series, it stole my heart in high school and stole my heart again. Reading it again was just like reading the series for the first time. I wish there was more to the story. Miranda, Alex, Jon, Matt, and Syl all had a deep meaning to me, and I wish we could see them together as a family again.

Thank you for creating this amazing work. You truly are talented.

Unknown said...

I loved this series, the ending to the last book left alot to be desired, I'm so letdown by you're retirement. Alas, this comment is years too late. I hope you're doing well.