You may notice I went with a slightly different approach this time. The designs are identical (all waxing moons), but I chose different colors for each one. Always Have Hope kind of matches the cover for Life As We Knew It and Never Lose Faith kind of matches the cover for the dead and the gone, and Trust In Tomorrow has nothing to do with the cover of This World We Live In (I didn't like the idea of a grey bookplate and the yellows were too garish).
You may also notice that I experimented with different color inks for signing each one, since red wasn't going to work with the Trust plate, and red and green seemed too Christmasy for my tastes.
Having experimented (the things I do for you people), I decided to stick with black for all of them. I own lots and lots of black pens.
I also own lots and lots of stamps, since I bought many sheets just in case. While I was buying stamps, I bought the kinds that can be used to mail things to different countries. So if you don't live (I typed that as like, rather than live, a leftover from the Bush days I suppose) in the US, don't be shy about asking for the bookplates. Except for envelopes, which I keep forgetting to buy, I am prepared.
So here's all you need to do. Email me at the beloved susanbpfeffer@aol.com address and tell me what you want. You can say you want one or more of the Always Have Hope plates, or the LAWKI plates or the blue plates (and you can do the same for the other two as well, but it would be tedious to go through all that for each one). I ordered 500 of each plate, and have 499 of each available, so it's going to take a while before I run out. The offer, therefore, will be good until I do (I'll continue to link to it on the right side of the blog. That reminds me- there's a new interview with me over to the right as well). Ask for as many as you need (in the past, library discussion groups and school classes have asked for and received multiples).
There's no charge (well, CVS will charge me for the envelopes, assuming I remember to buy them while I'm there, but there's no charge to you). And if you've already emailed me to ask about the plates, email me again. Include your name and address, which plates you want and how many, and then I'll know what to send you and where they should go. Then I sign my name, in tasteful black ink, and mail them off.
Assuming I remember to buy the envelopes!