Here it is.
Its back is all about the Moon books.
For that matter, so is its back inside cover.
Scooter chewed over whether to read it.
He then settled down with it for a good read.
He found a lot to think about as he read.
I must say Blood Wounds looks very good on my bookcase.
I hope someday it will look very good on your bookcase also!
Congratulations Susan! I can't wait to have it in my bookcase as well!
Thanks tigerlily*!
I am super excited to read it!
Hello Nora Durbin-
Blood Wounds already has 2 reviews on its Amazon page, one 4 star and one 5 star.
Wait until Scooter finishes reading it. He's a 6 star kind of a cat (he knows what pays for his cat food!).
OMG SO EXITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( Or Ecited) or whatevr
Hi Youryoungestbiggestfan!-
I'm pretty excited also!
eh! So exciting! I can't wait to have my very own copy of Blood Wounds. :D I'm only terribly jealous of Scooter. :p
My bookcase is full...But good thing I have an empty space on the bookshelves on my desk!
It's gorgeous, Sue!! Can't wait for it to actually come out so I can order my copy and put it beside your other books on my shelves... I'm trying hard not be jealous of Scooter's getting to read it first!
Congrats on Blood Wounds and on getting rid of the fruit flies.
Oh it looks so good~! I can't wait to read it!
Hello Brandi and Emily and Elaine Marie Alphin and Begins With M and thank you-
I have a feeling I now own more than one copy of Blood Wounds. I lugged a heavy carton of something last night into my living room, and since the return address was Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, I have reason to believe there are books in there.
Since I don't know where to put the books (having failed to clean my storage closet this summer), and since Scooter can only read one copy at a time, I'm a little nervous about opening the box and finding out for sure what's in there.
Maybe I'll just drape a tablecloth around it and use it as an end table!
Squee! I mentioned BLOOD WOUNDS on my blog today, too. Can't wait to read it!
Hi Susan-
You slipped in there while I was commenting. Pretty sneaky!
Thank you for mentioning Blood Wounds on your blog. I hope you like it when you have a chance to read it.
How many pages does Blood Wounds have?
Hi Sean-
According to Amazon, Blood Wounds has 256 pages.
I didn't look at it too carefully, since Scooter grabbed it right away, but the print and the margins both look pretty big. My guess is it's a fast read.
EEK!!!! I am so excited! I am going to buy the e-book (at midnight on the release day) and the hard copy to look pretty on my shelf (when I get a chance to run the bookstore). I love your books so much!
I absolutely cannot WAIT for Shade of the Moon! It's by far my most anticipated read of 2012!!!!! I read the excerpt that you posted on the other site and WOW....I am just so pumped!
Hi Tara and thank you-
I keep checking on Amazon and B&N to see how Blood Wounds is doing (well, the alternative is working, and we know how I feel about that).
My guess is release day will be sooner than Release Day, because that's been my experience. So when the books are officially available, I'll be shouting about it on my blog!
This is so cool! I'm acctually the girl you have on the cover of the book! Can't wait to read it!
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