For anyone who's interested, two of the names were from the original batch and one came a couple of days ago. There were 37 e-mail addresses this go round, 29 from the original group and 8 new arrivals. Thanks to all of you who expressed interest in the book. I just wish there were enough copies to send to everybody.
Meanwhile, Janet Carlson, aka The Dedicatee, is devoting today to reading The Dead And The Gone. If she hates it, I won't let you know.

And I still don't know what a Double newsletter co-op is.
Oh well, always a bridesmaid, never a bride...
(When will it be available for pre-order from Amazon? You might want to put that in your timeline.)
By the way, right click on the artists conception pictures and they can be enlarged. What a great way to see the excrutiatingly fine detail that the artist put into them!
Actually the UK version of The Dead And The Gone is available for pre-order on UK Amazon, and has been for a month or so. One person ordered a copy sometime around Columbus Day. Its current Amazon ranking, 815933,leads me to believe no one's ordered a copy since then.
The audiobook of the dead & the gone is available at US Amazon, but it doesn't have a ranking yet.
Us obsessive types moniter this stuff, how can I put this, obsessively.
I commented too soon (as is my wont).
Amazon does have a pre-order listing for the dead and the gone.
A whole new thing to obsess over!
Life is good.
Who is reading the audio version?
By the way, I couldn't find the print version on Amazon -- just the audio version. Probably just my stupidity.
Stupid me - -I just went back to your page and saw the Amazon button. I've alreay pre-ordered it.
I don't know anything about the audio version of the dead & the gone yet, except its pub date (somewhere around June 10) and publisher (Listening Library, that did such a great job with LAWKI).
The book is third person, but the voice is that of a teenage boy, so I'm guessing they're looking for someone who can convey that (just as Emily Bauer conveyed teenage girl).
When I find out any more details, I'll be happy to share. Discretion is not my middle name (neither is modesty, shyness, or fondofrightwingpoliticians, which really is fond of rightwing politicians and not fond of frightwing politicians which isn't my middle name either)
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