Friday, September 18, 2009

Things Are Looking Up

This morning I mentioned to my mother that we should try to find her a nice 99 year old boyfriend, and she said, "I'm not really into that kind of thing yet."

So with the future in mind, she and Scooter and I wish all who happen by a healthy and joyful new year!


Anonymous said...

I think your mom using the word 'yet' is cause for celebration.

My family wishes you and yours a happy - and healthy - holiday as well.

(My youngest, Shayna, is taking a test in school today about her summer reading book. She told me that she is going to write it on Alex from the dead and the gone. Can an 'A' be far behind?)


Anonymous said...

Hie Susan; my name is Jean and I’m 15. I have just finished reading your book the dead and the gone and I need to prepare a presentation on it for my o'levels. I posted a comment on your blog but I don't think u saw it. I was wondering if you could please tell me what inspired you to write this book (I haven’t read life as we knew it). How many awards it has won or you have as a writer. Please can you tell me any other interesting facts about u or the book that will interest my audience so i could get a good grade.

The presentation in about 4min long and I am struggling to write a summary of your book that will enable my audience to understand it because it’s too long. Can you help me please?

Thank you, it really is an amazing book, I love it so much

(Kind of agent)