I'm pleased to report that my copy of Chroniques De La Fin Du Monde L'Exil arrived the other day.
I have every reason to believe it's a Poche Roman. Which kind of sounds like it should be a character on Happy Days.
Thanks to the back of the jacket, I know what the French version of This World We Live In will look like, a stress reducer right there.
Naturally all the versions of The Dead And The Gone decided to get together. I did what I could to help them along.
Scooter did his part as well.
For a book with such a sad title, these are happy days indeed!
I read the trilogy over the weekend and LOVED it! I was so sad to finish and am thrilled there will be another book!
Hi Emily and thank you-
I loved writing all the moon books, and it gives me great joy to hear people like reading them.
It gives Scooter even greater joy to knock them over!
A very tasteful arrangement, particularly au chat!
Mai oui Marci!
i just found my copy of life as we knew it, i have the cover of mirandas dresser with the window and the moon i love the book!
hey susan :) some are saying that the book's coming out on the 1 st september 2012.. is that true? i hope not it's a long wait :( thanks and keep up the good work :)
Hello Youryoungestbiggestfan! and Anonymous-
I'm glad you found your copy of LAWKI, Youryoungestbiggestfan! I've been looking for weeks now for a DVD and a CD I lost, and I know I'll be glad when I find them.
As far as when The Shade Of The Moon is going to come out, the answer is it's too soon to say, but certainly not until the fall of 2012. I'm still waiting to hear from my editor about the manuscript, and even if she likes it, there will certainly have to be rewrites (there always are!).
Ooh! La Fin du Monde has quite the ring, doesn't it? Loved Blood Wounds, by the way. My daughter is going to read it next!
Thanks Ms. Yingling.
It's fun watching the countdown clock finish its countdown!
Hey Susan!
Just finished reading Blood Wounds! omg. I love this book! There are so many little side stories and then they all get entertwined... ah! Its amazing, i couldn't put it down!
I was wondering tho, you said lawki was inspired by a movie, what made you want to write a book like Blood Wounds?
Hi Abigail and thank you-
I don't really remember what inspired Blood Wounds. I think I was watching CNN and simply began thinking about what it must be like to be related to someone who commits a terrible crime.
Anyway, I liked the idea, so I gave it some more thought, and the next thing I knew, I was writing!
That is so awesome to see the different versions of your books. I think you are super cool!!! Have a great weekend!!
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